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I also watched his people slaughter ordinary humans.

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One-sided massacre
Because King haijing was caught in hurricanes and tsunamis, it was not fun, but big. Even when he arrived in the city, there were several meters of water.
Not to mention if it is in some low-lying areas, this will not only drown some ordinary human beings in the huge waves, but also allow some siren to slaughter those humans and human fighters like a duck to water.
You know, many human fighters are extremely selfish, especially in Sam. There is no such thing as loyalty.
They pay more attention to individual heroism than to the group. Most fighters choose to escape from the invasion of the siren rather than fight with them first.
What’s more, the ability of their fighters in cities covered by tsunamis will be limited a lot.
There is no way to give full play to its due strength.
Don’t run away, are you waiting to die with those ordinary humans?
Even if some people have a strong sense of honor and justice, they are not an enemy at all in the face of several sea monsters. This is a one-sided massacre rather than a close confrontation.
As far as King haijing was concerned, he saw a shrimp soldier directly dismembering a human with huge claws and then stuffing it into himself as food.
Even those cars that have been immersed in the sea water can’t stand it, and they are deformed by the heavy pressure, but this is just a scene, and there are still several similar things happening at this moment.
At this time, the king of haijing also sensed a strong breath flying in his direction.
It is the "belated" state speaker Morgan
Many people know the name of this big brother because he is a Morgan family and also the "patron saint" of Fuzhou, California. It can’t be that others can fly because of Wu Zong.
"Is this human being here to die?" This humanoid King haijing is very strong and has a height of more than two meters. He also twisted his body slightly and seemed to warm up before the battle.
This place has his level as a sea demon king, so he is the only one who can resist human beings. But in terms of strength and other aspects, King haijing is far superior to Morgan.
More importantly, he wants to kill the human fighters. Maybe it’s not a white trip, is it?
"Huh?" But at this moment, King haijing suddenly saw a man watching himself in a building.
There is a strong hatred in the eyes of the other party, and he still holds a special hot weapon in his hand.
King haijing doesn’t know its name, but some Sam people do.
It’s called a hunting gun
Chapter five hundred and ninety-five Andrew
God hunting gun
Combat weapon developed by a special research institute in Sam.
It is naturally impossible to hunt gods, which is its ultimate goal, but this powerful power has the opportunity to hit the level of military commanders, and the military commanders should not move their true qi to protect them.
However, it is also a certain probability that Li Wu will break through the defense. Of course, if the distance is too long, it is another matter, and the possibility of being hit will be reduced
Yu Wuzong said that it is very unlikely that the hunting god gun wants to hurt.
But how will you know if you don’t try?
In addition, the man who made the hunting god gun ready to kill the "siren giant" was a martial arts genius in Fuzhou, Gali, and now he is also a martial arts level.
He thought that if he could hurt the wicked man in that day this time, maybe he would have made contributions to California and Fuzhou.
Then all these sea monsters will die here.
Without the sea demon king to take the lead, his creatures are no match for the state speaker. This time, Gali Fuzhou will have a great chance to turn the corner.
More importantly, others can become heroes in California and then use this springboard to go to the capital, which is the warrior palace, and he can also get the highest level of resource training, right?
He is the first day of the younger generation in California and Fuzhou, and it is not easy to make a successful breakthrough in advanced martial arts.
"whew!" He pressed the trigger of the hunting gun with the greatest expectation.
But he didn’t know that his trip had been discovered by the king of haijing
However, this man looked forward to it, and the sea whale king turned into a fighting form. A 50-meter-long blue whale suddenly appeared in California
Its huge size has made several people tremble in the hearts of the people in California, and the fear in their hearts has been lingering.
What’s even more frightening is that this blue whale is the sea demon king and can fly in the air.
Harry Morgan came here as soon as he showed up, but now something is wrong with this situation. What, the king of haijing seems to be desperate to fight with him?
Shouldn’t they be allies?
You know, he didn’t come here this time to save the people of California, but to show off.
Once he, the speaker of the state, did not speak when King haijing invaded, there was no way for California to get along.
The name will stink.
But he had to come.
More importantly, he also knows that his strength is far from that of King haijing’s opponent. After seeing his opponent’s changing battle form, he somewhat wants to escape from this place.
At this time, however, he saw that blue whale hit a building with dozens of floors.
The so-called genius of the younger generation in California, Wu Zhanlian, didn’t even come to escape and died directly.
Directly crushed to death by King haijing’s huge body.
The attack from the hunting god gun didn’t break King haijing’s external defense.
Demons, especially those with huge size, are scary in appearance, but the defense of ordinary monsters is not the same as that of blue whales.
More powerful than the so-called human since that several times.
But this is not the end, but a
"Boom!" Moment from king haijing mouth spit out a huge energy.
Directly through several surrounding buildings, the middle will be broken
And these tall buildings have also smashed a number of people and cars. Of course, there will be accidental injuries to the siren, but these are all so-called
The sea demon people are exhausted.
But this so-called stomach dish excites haijing Wang Bi.

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