上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州品茶网 This passage is really difficult. Although Yang Tian has got a lot of crystal, it’s a pity that there is no thunder prison root here, which can’t help Yang Tian break through quickly, but he can rely on the current repair and spell.

This passage is really difficult. Although Yang Tian has got a lot of crystal, it’s a pity that there is no thunder prison root here, which can’t help Yang Tian break through quickly, but he can rely on the current repair and spell.

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Immediately after the restoration, there was an endless slaughter. A large number of monsters were killed and a large number of Jinghua fell into Yang Tianbao.
It’s a pity that Yang Tian is not happy because the monsters are getting stronger and stronger, and the monsters in front of him are all 10 robberies, which brings great pressure, and at the same time, the speed of progress is slower, and he often stops to supplement consumption
Fortunately, the monster in the passage has reached the top when he arrived in 10 robberies, and he has never met anything stronger.
Stop-and-go. I don’t know how long it took. When Yang Tian forgot to look for the mouth and once admitted that there was no mouth here, the pressure suddenly dropped in front of him. In astonishment, a dark door was hundreds of feet away.
Yang Tian suddenly opened his eyes and shook his head to confirm that there was indeed a door. He immediately cheered up and attacked the power at the bottom of his hand. The instantaneous explosion of power will soon destroy the monster in front.
When I came to the door, Yang Tiandi was restored and repaired, and then a breeze blew into the door. My heart was full of expectations and I hoped that the world behind the door would not talk like this passage.
There is actually a temple behind the material door. As soon as Yang Tian enters it, he can feel the strong breath of water element power. It seems that the owner here belongs to the property of water element.
The hall is not very big. Yang Tian can see a statue of a ferocious monster sitting on a high platform in the middle of the hall behind the door in the dark light, like a strange snake.
There are also ten statues around the high platform, which are also strange snakes, which are smaller than the statues of the high platform. They are like loyal guards guarding the high platform.
Besides, there is something strange about the statues in the main hall. They must be the owners here.
Based on previous experience, Yang Tian guessed that if you want to step in the previous step, those idols might immediately turn around and pounce on yourself.
Yang day is not afraid, but I don’t know that their strength is in case they decide to have the first hand.
Catch the thief first, Wang Yang, heaven and earth turned into a white light and went straight for the statue of Gaotai.
This short distance is instantaneous, but just when Yang Tian’s fist front came to the head of the idol one foot away, the idol suddenly shone strongly and the black awn protected the body.
Yang Tianjiao felt great resistance when his fist was delayed, but it could not stop Yang Tianjiao’s fist front from flashing white light and breaking through the black mans barrier and slamming it on the gods.
As a tragic cry sounded, ten black lights flashed around at the same time, and one of their targets was Yang Tian.
From their breath, Yang Tian can tell at this moment that the ten guards around are all monsters of 19 robbers, while the statue of God is the king of 20 robbers.
Yang Tian has been able to challenge the top 21 robbers, ten 19 robbers and one 20 robber monster after transformation, but it does not pose a fatal threat to him.
While twenty guys were seriously injured, they faced a siege on all sides. Yang Tian did not avoid retreating, and suddenly burst into a circle of pale halo, directly covering all eleven monsters.
These monsters are mentally slow, and they are immediately stunned by Yang Tianzhen’s words. First, they are swept by the pale aura at this moment.
See the white light flash for a week or so, and ten monsters suddenly fell faster than when they came. In the middle, they showed their shapes and slammed into the surrounding walls, and their miserable cries rang out one after another.
Yang day at the same time, he also showed his ferocious figure. He grabbed the palm of the 20-bullet leader and the hidden blue light passed.
Twenty robbery guy froze immediately and Yang Tian quickly walked around for a week, easily putting ten guards on the high platform, using the method of cannon, ten spring poison characters, and scoring ten guards respectively.
Moments later, 20 robbers tied with ten guards had a dull face and lined up in front of Yang Tian.
Hehe, it will be easier for these eleven thugs to pick them up
Watching is a puppet Yang Tianping nodded with satisfaction.
Yang Tian did this because there was no thunder prison, but he couldn’t make a breakthrough in strength, and the monster was bound to be stronger. Maybe a few puppets could help.
The entrance to the main hall is a red hole in the occupied position of the high platform statue.
Yang Tian doesn’t know exactly where the hole leads here. Maybe it’s really hell.
Yang Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed eleven monsters after a short break, and was immediately photographed in the palm of his hand and then flew into the high platform hole.
At present, there was a flash of red light, and Yang Tian almost laughed when he saw the present situation clearly.
This is still a hall. Just now, there is no difference between Shuiyuan Hall and Shuiyuan Hall. The difference is that it is full of strong fire yuan divine power, and twenty guards around Zhonggaotai are guarding it more than once.
The other side is outnumbered. Just now, the puppet was able to send a show, and the water, fire and fire also took the advantage. I don’t know how many robbery monsters are in front of me, just like before, so there is no suspense.
Yang Tian did the same thing again and did not hesitate to go straight to the leader of the high platform, but when he jumped to the front of the high platform, eleven puppets were released.
Eleven puppets roared and roared and immediately attracted the attention of the guards around them. Even the leader of the high platform had to pounce on those puppets when he woke up, but he just wanted to start and found that his body had been locked by a terrorist force.
It’s still a suspense of 20 robbery leaders and 19 robbery guards.
Yang Tian instantly judged that the monsters were waiting for the order, and the white light of the African claw flashed directly to the leader’s spirit.
But the chief body suddenly burst into a strange light, and Yang Tian pressed his claws to stop suddenly. This resistance is twice as strong as that of the 20-year-old leader who robbed water just now, more than some super Yang Tian expected.
Hey, it’s a fire and water binary guy
Yang day a closer look immediately exclaimed but hand strength suddenly increased overwhelming.

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