上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 However, if you are suspended in a small raccoon, you know that the forest animal is at a critical moment of evolution, and if the bronze color is completely replaced by warm jade luster, then Lin will be able to successfully cultivate the jade body, and its combat effectiveness will soar again.

However, if you are suspended in a small raccoon, you know that the forest animal is at a critical moment of evolution, and if the bronze color is completely replaced by warm jade luster, then Lin will be able to successfully cultivate the jade body, and its combat effectiveness will soar again.

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In the quiet back, I have been paying attention to Lin’s small raccoon eyes. Suddenly, my eyes suddenly turned to the distant sky, and my eyes changed dramatically. From there, I felt a strong breath and came here at a rapid pace.
This smell is not good
Small raccoon eyes flashing eyes slowly dignified, it can feel the breath of the earth, and after looking at this situation, it is obviously directed at them.
However, some means is tracking up so quickly.
When the raccoon dog’s eyes change, the hovering cry is also aware of the strong breath that comes from the violent attack on this side, that is, it sends a tiger roar and a trace of Lei Guang flashing and haunts its body
In a tiger’s eyes, a light swept at the edge of the sky at a rapid speed, and finally an old man with a huge bone spear and a gray robe turned gloomy. His eyes were locked in the valley, and he was full of murder, cold and resounding.
Xiao Yusheng killed my son, can’t you escape?
Hear the gray robe old that is full of murder cold sound small raccoon heart also sank slightly, it didn’t expect this old guy to be able to accurately track and eye movement in the science of uniting the critical head can’t be disturbed.
While the little raccoon dog’s eyes were flashing, the little cry was already angry because this foreigner disturbed Lin Lin’s practice. A picture of roars in the tiger’s mouth was a mass of Lei Guang condensed and finally blasted to the sky, the old man standing on the bone spear and gray robe.
The old man in the gray robe has a huge foot, and the face of the gray bone spear is as cold as a dead skin. He stares at the back center and sits on a plate. He cries and attacks when he hasn’t reached his body, but he is ejected by a layer of barrier.
It seems that you’re still in the science of uniting the critical head, so it’s better to save the old time to catch you back and cut off your limbs and hang them in the big city for ten days. Besides, the old eyes in the gray robe are diabolical. At this time, the method of starting work is to sneer at the big hand, and to find out is to turn a gray spirit hand into a pledge to Fang Lin and grab it.
See gray robe old hands small raccoon eyes is also slightly cold a cold claw dancing road purple black luster suddenly and violently plundered and adhered to the spirit hand terrorist corrosion force immediately to the spirit hand corrosion into a void.
Hey, the sable is obviously far beyond the gray robe. It’s a pity that you are nothing in front of the old man now.
Get out of here.
As soon as the sound of drinking falls, the old sleeves of the gray robe suddenly violently plunder the gray gas. These gases are extremely chilly in half a weaving, and they are swept away to bring up the cold wind all over the sky.
Facing the old offensive of the gray robe, the small paws danced rapidly in circles, and the purple and black light emerged to protect their bodies in it.
Bang bang bang.
The gray gas is thrown around the mink, and the purple and black aperture is deafening, and the shape of the raccoon is constantly receding. Now its strength is obviously still facing the resistance, and it has reached the goal of making gas.
When the raccoon dog was driven back by the Chinese bone, the little cry was also angry. The roars and Lei Guang lingered all over, and finally directly shook the Lei Yi and rushed away at the Chinese bone.
Chinese bone eyes, yin, buttocks and feet, huge gray bone spear suddenly shot, and then like a stick, it carried a huge force and smoked it in a small cry.
Being stung by a bone spear, the small crying figure suddenly shot backwards and sent a huge body with pain, and it also slammed into a rock and blasted the rock to burst.
Suffered a light attack, but the little crying tiger eyes became more and more latosolic red. Lei Guang flashed and his hair stood on end. Finally, he rushed at the Chinese bone again.
However, Xiaoxiao’s strength can’t be an opponent of Huagu, so in the face of its repeated shocks, the end is still being bombarded by Huagu’s indifference and looks very embarrassed.
You son of a bitch looked at that time and again, and you were blown away by the Chinese bones. You cried and cried, but there was some extremely gloomy anger in your eyes. Soon, it took a deep breath, its claws were stained and its mouth was sprayed with a lot of purple and black luster.
As soon as these purple-black lights are present, they quickly condense and then turn into a round of crazy rotation. The purple-black light blade has a sharp shape as if even the sky and the earth can be torn by it.

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