上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 Ordinary people who inhale black fog will die or be polluted and turned into monsters.

Ordinary people who inhale black fog will die or be polluted and turned into monsters.

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Sublimable people can go in and out naturally against the darkness.
Hearing this sentence, Tianyang felt very uncomfortable in his heart.
The boy named A Ping suddenly grabbed the rescuer’s hand. "Captain, can you help me record a video?"
Captain Cai gritted his teeth and nodded heavily. His helmet clicked a little to start the video recording function. "You can record anything you want now."
Ping struggled to sit up straight, rubbed his face with both hands and put it back with a bright smile.
He said to the camera, "Grandma, I’m Ping! I’m too busy at work recently, so I won’t go back! Don’t worry, I will take care of myself. "
"Recently, I performed very well. The captain praised me. I’m not so busy after a while. I must go back to see you! I will buy you a lot of delicious food then! "
"That’s it, grandma. You have to take care of yourself. I’m busy."
Say that finish, Ping nodded his head to show that it is over.
When the captain took the video, Ah Ping’s face quickly dimmed, as if the video had just consumed his last few lives.
He grabbed the captain’s hand and said, "Give it to grandma when you get back. Don’t tell grandma that I’m dead. It’s been a long time. I don’t want her to grieve me for the rest of her life."
Mining captain nodded his head.
Ping seems to be relieved, close his eyes and breathe. "My parents died a long time ago, and my grandmother has been pulling me to Dayuan. I think it’s a pity to join the mining team and earn more contributions."
The boy’s hand fell to the ground gently, and he seemed to be asleep but could never wake up.
Captain Cai roared, grabbed his rifle and rushed out. "I’ll fight you, dark bastard!" "
Roars, guns, and animal calls are ringing in Tianyang’s ears.
But he looked intently at the boy and didn’t know that he had a surge of anger.
He didn’t know the anger, and perhaps it was because the boy reminded him of himself.
Maybe it’s because all their fortresses have a caring relative, but they never have a chance to repay them.
At this time, someone exclaimed, "A wizard is a wizard!"
The wizard is here.
Just behind those wanderers.
A strange figure appeared quietly.
Mark quickly shouted, "take back the creed of war. It can’t deal with this level of black people!"
"Xia Yuan? Come and give me a star barrier and I’ll deal with the wizard. "
"This kind of teleporting monster is very troublesome. It is the last type I want to meet, but there is no way out. I can deal with it now."
Reappear the star mark, and suddenly the figure in the corner of my eye will see Tianyang go by.
The teenager is uncovering his hood to reveal the conspicuous silver hair floating from his hair with Yin Hui.
Mark hurriedly cried, "Wait, Tianyang, don’t wait for Xia Yuan to add a star barrier for us and we’ll kill it together."
Turning a deaf ear to the sun is a step with a golden wind.
Step forward
Now he has the wizard behind the wanderer in his field of vision.
Stars show lines and outline.
A wing pattern constructed by Yin Hui emerged from the surface of Tianyang, revealing armor and robes to illuminate the four sides.
This light wing pattern is as dark and flickering as breathing.
In a flash, the sun suddenly disappeared.
Almost at the same time, he appeared behind the wizard and walked on.
Looking at that walk, the pupil suddenly dilated.
I don’t know when the golden wind in Tianyang’s hand drew the sword and came to the tip of the right hand to point to the ground.
At this time, the young man stopped to push the goldwind into the sheath slowly.
After the long sword is sheathed, it flashes in the dark like a tiny mountain of stars, and the sword light crosses the road to split the wizard’s figure in half.
The sword and light line, the wizard’s figure is misplaced
Mark blinked, and when he looked again, the wizard’s body had been blown up all over the sky, and the black light crisscrossed, twisting the wizard and those who wandered around into dust!
Tianyang wore a hood to cover her silver hair and returned.
It was not until he saw the car marks that he murmured, "Boy, it turns out that you are the best among us!" "
After the death of the wizard, the wanderers were left to run and run, and soon the road was restored.

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