上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州98场推荐 Hong Yi felt that something was wrong at that time, and tried his best to disguise it, but he didn’t dare to let Hong Xuanji see the flaw. At the same time, he wondered in his heart what God had done to make Hong Xuanji have such a big reaction.

Hong Yi felt that something was wrong at that time, and tried his best to disguise it, but he didn’t dare to let Hong Xuanji see the flaw. At the same time, he wondered in his heart what God had done to make Hong Xuanji have such a big reaction.

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Seeing Tian Hongyi again today is very complicated.
Face Hong Yi with a friendly smile and get straight to the point. "Hong Yi, do you remember when I said you had another chance?"
Hong Yi certainly remembers it, but he has always been an excuse not to teach him martial arts, but he doesn’t want it to happen again.
Hongyi wondered in his heart
Without waiting for him, he went on, "I said that the opportunity was almost here."
"You have read it with peace of mind here, and someone will ask you to enlighten a litter of foxes in a few days. By then, you will get a martial art sutra, in which the Great Zen Temple carries on the Mituo Sutra."
Days to HongYi put words in vain.
I’m afraid it’s not so simple for Hong Yi to appear here today.
In the past, Hong Yi, the famous title of Amitabha sutra, naturally heard of it.
It is the great Zen temple town temple achievement method. When the great Zen temple was wiped out in the past, I couldn’t wait to dig three feet to find out the past amitabha sutra, but no one found the root.
Hong Yi has some doubts that his cheap uncle’s purpose is also the Mituo Sutra in the past.
He looked at the sky and tried again, "Uncle, if I really get the past amitabha sutra, I will give it to my uncle immediately."
Since he was born, his mother died early, and he never knew that he had an uncle. As a result, he was going to get the past. In the first paragraph of the Mituo Sutra, this uncle suddenly came to the door, and there was something wrong with what he thought.
Hong Yi is more suspicious.
After all, Hong Yi would have been killed if he had no calculation.
Although there is Hong Xuanji, it is impossible for Mrs. Zhao to deal with him in a big way, but secretly those small means have never stopped
After expressing a heart, Hong Yi went on to ask the sky
"But uncle, since you know where the Amitabha Sutra used to be, why don’t you get it yourself?"
Chapter VII Reading People Our Godsworn
This is another time for Hong Yi to test him, and he also doubts that God told him that there is a big hole left by chance.
If it weren’t for the pit, I wouldn’t look for it myself if I knew what Amitabha had fallen in the past.
In the past, the Mituo Sutra was a wonderful work of Tianbao. Hong Yi lived in an environment like Hongjia since he was a child, and he never dared to speculate on others with the greatest malice.
"In the past, the Mitsutra was your chance, and I meant to take it from you."
The sky said to Hong Yi
He also knows that it is impossible for him to win the trust of Hong Yixian with such a sentence, and then goes on
"And although I have a view of the past Mituo Sutra, I am not weaker than the Great Zen Temple at all. I must go further and further."
It was the first time that Hong Yi was shocked by the drama in his heart.
It turns out that the sky was born in the mysterious Bitai Road.
Although there are very few Taidaomen, they are too powerful, but they are not lost to the Great Zen Temple, which was in its heyday.
The Great Temple of Zen has been wiped out, but Taidao is still alive and well.
"Uncle, you are a Taoist?"
Hongyi is more curious about the true identity of heaven in his heart.
However, although he had heard of Taidao’s name, he didn’t know the composition of Taidao, so he couldn’t guess his identity for a while.
"I’ll test your knowledge by the way if you live here with peace of mind, and I can answer your questions if you have any doubts."
Tian didn’t tell Hong Yi his true identity. He directly changed the topic and said that he would take an examination of Hong Yi’s knowledge.
Hongyi was surprised when he heard that.
"Uncle, are you also a reader?"
Since God dares to say that he is admitted to the school, it is not low to say that he has achieved astronomical attainments.
Nod your head and admit it
Hong Yi’s heart is quite surprised. Since he was born in Taidao, the friar actually read it as carefully as he did.
It’s really a miracle.

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