上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州品茶网 At this time, the knight-errant armor has turned its sword head towards a dark area on the map, but there is a big green dot flying in the direction where it seems to be the place where the big green worm is located …

At this time, the knight-errant armor has turned its sword head towards a dark area on the map, but there is a big green dot flying in the direction where it seems to be the place where the big green worm is located …

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Fang Ning should be white. "Grandpa, you are too ashamed of a teenager. Are you too embarrassed to grab something?"
Righteously, "I’m less than one year old than its personal data …"
Fang Ning was speechless.
After a while, he said, "Well, anyway, what you need is mainly to experience and kill monsters. This big food belongs to Daqing. It has a big appetite and eats so hard. It’s inhuman and very different from us. It’s our friendly army with high strength. You won’t have any friends if you don’t talk about human feelings."
All right, well, if it doesn’t work, buy some money for Daqing.
A group of strange men have gathered around the head of the cold snake in the fog of Fusang Huoshan Mountain. Their figures are virtual like human beings, inhuman, grotesque, and ferocious.
"I actually want to eat our snake god. I don’t know if I live or die!"
"You will soon know what real fear is … Jie Jie"
"Hum, the snake god would have swallowed you if he hadn’t seen that you were all females!"
Behind the big caterpillar, the three younger brothers stared at a pair of bug eyes. "You can’t eat to scare anyone!" If I hadn’t waited for Qinglong to reply, I would have swallowed your snake god! Hum, this big worm can’t scare me. I am the most proficient in camouflage. "
Chapter two hundred and forty-seven Who dares to kill me? !
At this time, another cold sound came up.
"Ha, ha, ha, the fourth song, you’ve been seen through. It’s time for me to appear."
After saying his word, there was a hot breath mixed with sulfur and smoke, which made the big caterpillar retreat a few steps.
"Who is this? I dare to burn the vegetables! " The big green bug was angry and stared.
I saw another snake body with a red body and a flame smell spreading from that mountain, and an equally huge snake head suddenly covered with fiery mania.
"An ice blue and a fiery red are just caught to make the kitchen make a hot and cold platter. The color must match." The big green bug saw another one and swallowed a few mouthfuls of water and carefully looked at the new giant snake.
The snake in front smells cold and blue, and the snake in the back is red from head to body. What they have in common may be that they haven’t seen their tails.
"Did you hear the third song? Your family’s eyes are also a dish." The ice blue snake first spit out cold words
Those strange male ghosts who were just very arrogant around have been scared away.
They are the fourth snake head and the third snake head. When they get angry, they will devour them so as not to give them the leader’s face.
"That’s to let this worm who doesn’t know the depth see that we are really powerful!" When the fiery serpent heard this, he was furious and suddenly turned to the icy serpent.
The other side does not flash or avoid the same arrival.
See flames and ice fog suddenly mixed together and hot steam burst everywhere.
The big green worm will puff up a blue breath, which will be able to scald the high-temperature steam block.
With the steam gradually dispersed, a giant snake with several thousand meters in length but several times thicker suddenly appeared. It had two heads, and it was a two-headed snake.
As soon as it appears, I open my mouth and swallow it at the ghosts around me, just like eating some food casually. I don’t care that they actually belong to the genus
And those ghosts tremble one by one, but they are swallowed by each other without any resistance
After eating, it was only four scary giant snake eyes and coldly looked at the big green bug and three people behind each other
The big green worm should turn red when it sees the appearance of a two-headed snake. I’m sorry to tunnel "How can it have a big green dragon?" One more head can make you stronger. You three better run. I’ll stop them for a while. He’s no match for protector Zhu. Don’t worry about them. "
Zhu Hongying a listen to refused "that how line? How can we throw the worm first adult … "
Before she finished speaking, two jade hands stretched out behind her and dragged her away.
"Let me go. You two bastards want to rebel, don’t you?"
"Elder sister, you should also look at the place where you are loyal. Let’s stay and be the first adult in the pit." Ma Nai said.
Zhu Hongying sighed and turned to grab two brothers. Now it’s faster for two sisters to leave.
She has the qualification of the ghost king, and has been personally taught by the ghost king bodhisattva to enter the bathtub level, which is far better than the three gluttonous brothers, who are either buckets or tableware.
It was she who looked back as she ran, chanting handouts. Don’t have an accident, my Lord.
For so many days, everyone in this big green worm club has changed from fear to love and love. The other party is naive and simple in singing and powerful, which has become a solid supporter in the current club.
No matter what the occasion, it is much harder for the big green bug to talk to the other sects, and when the big green bug hears that there is food, he will be happy to follow him out.
Bodhisattva can’t be realized, and it still needs to be closed for a long time. He can’t leave the mountain gate easily without major events.
Nai is the other person’s appetite is too big, but for the Dragon Venerable Master, it would be too expensive to invite the other person to make a move if he put his stomach to eat it.
Be sure to work hard and never be a drag again!
Zhu Hongying gritted her teeth. She has been a ghost servant for many years. She is not a pedant. She knows that staying will become a weakness of the big caterpillar, just as Martha said.
She hates that her practice is too short. If she can practice at the pond level, she can also help the big green worm at this time.

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