This is the pride of Buddha.

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Shen Gongbao decided that "being original is willing to be effective in big business"
If you don’t pit your friends, you won’t face the heaven. If you need to say a word to the big business enemy, please stay and you will enjoy the asylum of humanitarian luck. Shen Gongbao really can’t think of any reason to refuse.
God saw that Shen Gongbao finally accepted his appeal to relax and earnestly told Shen Gongbao that "Taoist priests must not say this to their own people except the big business enemies."
Fate is unpredictable. If a big killer like Shen Gongbao is a killer, it may hurt one of our own. It is necessary to give him a good exhortation.
Shen Gongbao seriously accepted the day’s exhortation, and then he said to Heaven, "The King is being original and there are two disciples in Jizhou."
"Being original wants to take them to sing songs together."
Master Shen Gongbao is quite considerate of his brother, although he exported his two disciples in the original plot.
However, it can be seen from the fact that Shen Gongbao taught two disciples spells and Deng Chanyu calculated that she hit her husband that Shen Gongbao attached great importance to his two disciples.
In the original plot, if Yang Jian hadn’t made a connection with Huang Feihu’s daughter Huang Yan first, maybe Deng Chanyu would have come together with Yang Jian.
Now that Shen Gongbao has become a big business Buddhist, he naturally wants to bring two disciples.
Chapter 57 If it doesn’t work, it’s just a regime change.
Deng Chanyu and Tu Hangsun are a little petty, but they are honest.
There is no objection to Shen Gongbao’s decision. "You don’t have to tell me about such a small matter as Taoist priest."
Tianhe and Shen Gongbao settled and then returned to Housu House in Jizhou.
He got Su Hu’s two daughters into the harem and came to Jizhou but didn’t meet Su Hu. He didn’t know his manners.
Hou Suhu of Jizhou was really surprised to learn that Wang Di Xin had come to the government.
Su Hu, the meeting hall of Su family, was surprised to see Tianhou and asked, "Why did you come to Jizhou, King?"
Previously, Su Daji and Su Ningxiang, two daughters who should sing songs in the palace, came back. Before Su Hu came to ask what happened to the two daughters, Mrs. Su took two daughters who had not seen each other for a long time to talk about their intimate feelings.
Although Su Hu is one of the four kings of Chaoge, he and Li Jing are completely different types of family affairs, and Mrs. Su has the final say.
Although Suo Su Hu was eager to ask Su Daji and Su Ningxiang to come back, he still chose to let his two daughters accompany his wife first.
The sky replied, "There is a talented person in Jizhou who needs me to personally recruit him. Just now, the talented person will come to visit the King of Suzhou without saying goodbye."
Su Hu heard something and asked, "Let your majesty recruit talented people himself and I don’t know the name of this talented person in Jizhou?"
He is a warlord, and the people of Jizhou want to develop Jizhou well. If there are talents in Jizhou, he will never miss it.
But now it is said that he came to Jizhou to recruit a talented person.
It’s definitely not an ordinary person who needs an open king to recruit talents.
Su Hu Jizhou Hou didn’t find such talents in Jizhou boundary, which made him somewhat interested.
Day name Shen Gongbao "the name Shen Gongbao".
Su Hu was stunned when he heard this. "Is that treasure who keeps close friends all over Shen Gongbao?"
Jiang Ya’s name is extremely great, and he is called the first wizard of heaven and the first wise man of heaven, but compared with Shen Gongbao, his name is actually bigger.
After all, Shen Gongbao’s hobby is to collect all the treasures and make friends with those powerful people. It is difficult for him to have a low reputation.
It is this person who is elusive and sincere, and has no interest in dealing with big business officials
Su Hu didn’t expect the other party to appear in Jizhou.
"Not bad!" Heaven must say
Su Hu suddenly asked with great interest, "Your Majesty, have you recruited this Shen Gongbao Taoist?"
Shen Gongbao is a true businessman and Xiqi. He is actually the same person in his mind. If there is no special reason, I am afraid I will not be too entangled with the people’s dynasty.
However, it is really unknown whether Shen Gongbao will accept the solicitation of the King of People now that the King of People has personally come forward.
Heaven said, "He has promised to become a great merchant Buddhist."
Su Hu Ma Congratulates "Congratulations to the Grand Court for having another able minister now".
It’s really something that Shen Gongbao is so famous. The People’s Congress, the Shang Dynasty and the Court may not be able to find a way to excel Shen Gongbao people.
The most important thing is that he knows friends all over the world, and many people are willing to give him a face. Bringing in a Shen Gongbao is equivalent to bringing in a group of Taoist thugs.
"Shen Gongbao really has talent" agreed with Su Hu dialect.
Then the day after tomorrow, he said to Su Hu, "Su Tianwang discussed an important matter with the officials of the DPRK and the orphan king the other day."
"Big business is ready to fight against heaven."
Su Hu is, after all, Su Daji’s father. Although the news has not yet come out in the court, there is no need to hide it from Su Hu.
His father in Su Daji is also the four kings of Chaoge. Tell him the news so that he can make preparations early.
"Fight against heaven?" Su Hu was shocked to hear the news.
He was surprised by the news that came out of his mouth.
Su Hu didn’t expect that he would hear such words from the king in his lifetime.
Cheng Tang’s hundred-year national campaign has never been less. Even after Di Xin succeeded to the throne, Dashang has been waging foreign wars.
Master Wen has been in Beihai for thirteen years. If it weren’t for this time, Master Wen from Heaven might not have come back from Beihai.
Big businessmen have never been afraid of war.
But fighting heaven is different from going to those wars.
Big business and heaven are really likely to lose, and the consequences of offending heaven will be very serious
"Do your Majesty Bigan and Shang adults agree with such an absurd decision?"
Su Hu very meaning to ask.
It was said that it was a negotiation with courtiers, but since it was a negotiation, two people were sure to get over it, and that was a negotiation and a fight.
Shang is a famous minister of big business, which is deeply trusted by the former king. It can be said that Bigan, an important minister of the former king, is even more Di Xin’s uncle. Both of them have quite powerful words in court.
Without the consent of these two famous ministers, the decision to attack heaven is absolutely passed.
Although the king’s handle is heavy, this decision has already been made. It is impossible for those old ministers in the dynasty to behave in such a way by the king’s own opinion.
Su Hu feels bad.
Heaven said, "They agreed."
"How is that possible?"
Although it was the expected answer, Su Hu still felt a little unreal.

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In the daytime, when I saw her lying in bed alive, I was so flustered that I was afraid that she would not wake up. I was afraid that she would cure too much and there was nothing I could do. At that time, I didn’t think about it. I was in great pain because I thought about losing her. It seemed that the pain was caused by a certain part of my body being dug away.In the daytime, when I saw her lying in bed alive, I was so flustered that I was afraid that she would not wake up. I was afraid that she would cure too much and there was nothing I could do. At that time, I didn’t think about it. I was in great pain because I thought about losing her. It seemed that the pain was caused by a certain part of my body being dug away.

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在繁华的上海,高楼林立,车水马龙,这里不仅是中国的经济中心,更是时尚与奢华的代名词。在这座城市的某个角落,隐藏着一个秘密的桑拿天地,它不为众人所熟知,却以其独特的魅力吸引着那些寻求尊贵与舒适的体验者。这里,便是上海秘密桑拿体验的神秘所在。 一、静谧的隐秘之地 这座秘密桑拿位于上海一座高端商务大厦的地下,入口隐蔽,犹如一位低调的贵族,隐藏在繁华都市的喧嚣之外。穿过狭窄的通道,踏入这个神秘的空间,仿佛进入了一个完全不同的世界。在这里,没有喧闹的人群,没有外界的纷扰,只有静谧与舒适。 二、顶级设施,尊贵体验 走进秘密桑拿,映入眼帘的是一应俱全的顶级设施。从淋浴间到桑拿房,从按摩室到休息区,每一个角落都充满了奢华的气息。最引人注目的是那间顶级总统套房,设有最顶级的淋浴、盆汤、搓澡、桑拿设备。在这里,你可以尽情享受水疗的乐趣,感受身心得到彻底放松。 值得一提的是,这里的桑拿房采用一人一间的设计,确保每位顾客的私密空间。在这里,你可以随心所欲地洗浴、休息或坐卧,尽情享受这份宁静与尊贵。此外,如果你需要,还可以聘请世界上顶级的技师上门为你提供按摩服务,让你在享受桑拿的同时,也能得到身心的愉悦。 三、绝美景观,尽收眼底 秘密桑拿地处上海外滩,窗外便是繁华的都市景观。在这里,你可以一边享受桑拿的舒适,一边欣赏外滩的美丽景色。无论是夜幕降临,还是白昼时分,这里的景色都让人陶醉。你可以在这里静观云卷云舒,也可以在这里品味人生百态。 四、尊贵身份,才能享受 在这座秘密桑拿,并非有钱就能享受这份尊贵。这里需要的是一种身份的认同,一种生活品质的追求。只有那些真正懂得享受生活、追求品质的人,才能在这里找到属于自己的那份宁静与尊贵。 结语: 上海秘密桑拿体验,是一处让人陶醉的神秘之地。在这里,你可以尽情享受顶级设施带来的舒适与尊贵,同时,还能在繁华都市中找到一份宁静与和谐。如果你是那位追求品质、懂得享受生活的人,那么,这里将是你不可错过的神秘体验。
