"Son of a bitch!"

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Nguyen, pointing to the other side scold a way "site is everyone calling you have what advantage don’t let my troops? Shit, B. If you weren’t an officer Zhou, you would have called directly. Looking at the three major areas, who would dare to stop the Sichuan government soldiers? !”
Soldiers outside the other side’s defensive position instantly raised their guns.
"Why do you want to touch it?" Colonel Ruan waved his hand directly "into combat!"
Colonel gritted his teeth and looked at Ruan, holding the ground, and got up and walked to the floor directly next to the military vehicle.
five minutes later
Duan Zhenghong directly talked to Ruan "Ruan Brigadier Sorry! During this period in the World War II area, I was afraid that the troops would not be able to walk when they saw some oil and water. Hehe, they were afraid that you would go into the defense zone to grab armaments … so they stopped laughing! "
"I have personally told the colonel to let you go" Duan Zhenghong replied.
"Good trouble Duan Junchang"
"Nothing, that’s all."
Say that finish two people ended the call.
At the same time
The old teahouse in Xuzhou Life Town of Wu Bureau said with words, "We should move to Lvkou Port."
Chapter DiYiLiuLiu defect
More than ten o’clock in the evening
Duan Zhenghong, the head of the Second Army Department in Zhou, sat in a chair and asked in a low voice, "Is the 16 th Brigade of Chuanfu gone?"
"We have been chasing in the direction of Lvkou through our defense zones." The officer immediately replied.
"That’s good. Your peripheral forces should keep a close eye on the troops passing along the way." Duan Zhenghong replied.
Duan Zhenghong hung up and immediately got up and shouted, "Call the main generals for a small meeting room."
Adjutant immediately replied.
Half an hour later, Duan Zhenghong marched in the direction of the small conference room with the chief of staff of the Second Army.
"I’ve joined forces over there. They mean to let us stay put in the north and south." The chief of staff whispered behind him. "Once Shen Sha is completely pushed down, we and Lu Yinan and North will take the lead in capturing the north."
Duan Zhenghong nodded without saying anything.
"Commander, your family has left Xinxiang, and the return road is very safe at present." Another staff member whispered, "Do you think there are any other arrangements for him?"
"Are you aware of Xinxiang?" Duan Zhenghong twist a head to ask a way
"No," the staff shook their heads. "I greeted your wife before and told her not to live in the officer corps compound. No one should know that they left quietly."
Duan Zhenghong nodded with satisfaction.
"Ha ha, this is a good time." The military staff named Chen Zhenyou also twisted his teeth and chimed in. "As soon as we change the flag, there will be more than 40,000 troops left here. When they foolishly pursue Shen Sha’s regiment to serve the north, they have been jointly taken by us and Lu … By that time, they didn’t even have a place to help people fight, and finally they didn’t get any results to lick Qin Yu’s feet in Sichuan."
Duan Zhenghong looked at Chen Zhenyou with a frown and said, "Mr. Chen, you talk a little too much."
Chen Zhenyou smiled awkwardly and scratched his head and answered, "This is all one of our own! I am also happy for you, hehe … "
Duan Zhenghong looked back and stepped into the small conference room camp.
More than twenty officers in the small conference room have already taken their seats.
Door Duan Zhenghong and others came in.
"Good commander!"
Everyone immediately got up and saluted.
"Sit down!" Duan Zhenghong with the wave.

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