Lu Chen …

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Others also looked at the Wolf King with the same eyes. Why do they think the Wolf King looks like a … Die proud and charming this month?
"I heard that the Moon Wolf clan was sealed here, and Aika mainland disappeared for ten thousand years. Today, I can see the Moon Wolf clan’s charm and sigh with emotion. I am really imposing and SHEN WOO is extraordinary."
Liu Chen said that he was licked by finger for two years and naturally learned something.
Finish it. Don’t knock.
He finally got a look of admiration for the beast, although it was a little stiff, but he had worked hard. "I want to ask about the details of this place, maybe we can help find a way?"
After listening to Lu Chen’s words, the Moon Wolf King looked down at this human being and felt pleasing to the eye. "Well, although it has the blood of flying reptiles, it still has a good eye."
It feels better to be boasted by such people.
At this time, there was a tall moon wolf walking around the moon wolf king, and the language of the moon wolf clan was low. What did the moon wolf king say during the meeting?
It looked at Lu Chen. "Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that Wang is happy to hear your compliment, but that he thinks what you said is reasonable."
Liu Chen’s heart felt that the Wolf King was in trouble this month, but he was relieved that he could not beat this group of wolves who looked like they were not easy to mess with.
"If you want to go out, you have to pay the price, and you Terrans can’t do this."
Moon Wolf King said
At this time, his explorers calmed down and found that they seemed to have entered a hidden plot in this world, and their lives were not in danger for the time being.
"Excuse me, what is the method? Maybe we can find the seal loophole after trying. "
Lu Chen can’t be persuasive. Let’s listen to it first.
The wolf beside the Moon Wolf King whispered something to the king, and the Moon Wolf King answered impatiently, "It takes two blood relatives to sacrifice to let the creatures pass the seal."
After hearing this, the field people were silent. Obviously, it is impossible to reach a condition to come to the mining field. Even if the Koya Empire people have a family together, they need two, that is, for example, the father and the son need three generations to go out together, and two more need to die.
Explorers are even more impossible. It’s even more impossible for them to come from any blue star parallel world. They all went in and just happened to dig together …
Lu Chen slightly pondered that he was the highest-ranking person to communicate, so he could do it. "… dare to ask the Wolf King to pull us into the seal?"
On the Wolf king listened to the mouth dozen ring nose looked at Liu Chen like an idiot "if we have this ability will be trapped here? This is the abnormal seal instability brought by the blood moon arrival that affects the outside world. "
It has some schadenfreude, because that’s how the Moon Wolf clan was circled by the Moon God in those years, and now the Mountain of Warcraft has come again, with not only humans coming in, but also many unlucky Warcraft.
Liu Chen suddenly seems that another question is not asked. It is estimated that the Wolf clan can let people go out through blood sacrifice recently.
Otherwise, the blood sacrifice is costly, but it can also make the Moon Wolf clan go out and part of it will be scattered again.
In front of the strongest wolf king, why don’t you go out? He can’t ask the wolf family sometime. His parents are gone and he is an orphan now.
"Excuse me, what does the Wolf King mean this time?"
Liu Chen asked this sentence, and everyone in the field got up.
They are now afraid that this seemingly unintelligent wolf king will say "come to find rations"
The Moon Wolf King jumped from a height, his posture was light, and his limbs touched the ground with little noise. Obviously, his strength was properly controlled.
It walks through the tense eyes of the crowd and examines everyone. From time to time, it will lean close to the nose and steadily lift and pat a person’s shoulder.
A female supporter shivers. She feels that the Wolf King is like choosing ham!
People have turned their attention to the Duke of Godzilla and said, "Aren’t you the strongest in the mainland? Can you do it?"! ?

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