Who can say for sure?

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At the very least, Yang Guang, a kryptonite player, is now a golden finger. He is really good at uniting, and he doesn’t know much about many things.
Yang guang now needs to understand that it is the first causal condition.
What is this causal environment? Yang guang doesn’t know, but he has such a natural ranking in his own heart as if he had already made the whole scene.
And if you want to understand this causal Taoist context, it will not directly achieve the so-called Emperor Wu. More importantly, Yang Guang is still white. Even if these nine Taoist contexts are combined into one, it may not be able to directly achieve Emperor Wu.
The reason is simple.
Now Yang Guang is bound to the world of fighters or to correctly call "Middle-earth" at present.
That is to say, if Yang Guang wants to achieve Emperor Wu, he can’t go to the eastern fantasy world or the western fantasy world.
Neither the south nor the north can achieve Emperor Wudi in Middle-earth, but there is no so-called soil to achieve Emperor Wudi in this world so far.
Unless the heaven in this world becomes more complete, that is to say, Yang Guang needs to raise this middle-earth from intermediate to advanced, that is, to the point of a large world.
Otherwise, everything will be a problem.
Of course, I don’t care so much now
If Yang Guang can’t be promoted to Emperor Wu, then once Middle-earth is promoted, it will really face catastrophe.
And it is still difficult to resist disaster.
Yang guang knows that once he achieves the so-called Emperor Wudi’s words, his fighting capacity will be comparable to that of the senior Emperor Wudi.
He is very confident.
Because his Taoist environment is super powerful, and what kind of Taoist environment will it achieve once it is combined with 91? It’s hard to express this situation even in the strongest environment, right?
What Yang Guang has to do now is to get the first condition and the most important one.
If the Middle-earth is raised to a higher level, then there are three small worlds left that have not been plundered by the Dragon Religion or the so-called Jack nife Holy Land Beast.
I’m not too worried about those words of faith and merits of heaven and earth.
On the whole, everything is not a problem.
Condition necessary for understanding that cause-and-effect condition
Yang guang is white for a moment and knows it.
That is to kill the four world Wu Zun in the strong.
And what about the so-called middle-earth Wu Zun? The whole Middle-earth doesn’t have much fighting capacity of Wu Zun’s territory, and it’s also Yang Guang’s busy puppet. Even blade master, the knife god, has achieved Wu Zun, which is not enough.
Besides, Yang Guangjin’s finger is to save Middle-earth, not to destroy it. Naturally, the strong in Wu Zun’s territory need to be protected.
But then again, Yang Guang even killed him. What’s good for Middle-earth?
I don’t know. At least it won’t have a major impact
The problem of dying a Wu Zun instead of the so-called Tian Zun is not very serious, let alone the so-called Emperor Wu.
Of course, at this moment, Yang Guang, even the Buddha speaks to Emperor Wu, that is, a dish is not so delicious.
What Yang Guang wants to do is to kill four Wu Zun’s strong men.
And the four worlds.
East magic and west magic, south domain and north domain
The East Magic World talks the most about the strong, that is, the so-called Terran and the Demon Race, while the Demon Race is not familiar with Yang Guang and there is no such thing as making friends. More importantly, it is possible to reach the Wu Zun territory. The Demon Race is a very powerful race.
What’s more, it may be a vassal force of a dragon and phoenix family and other god beasts!
On the other hand, the number of these forces in Terran dialect is very large.
Whether it is Zongmen or aristocratic families, some scattered practices have reached the level of Wu Zunjing. The number of fighters is not particularly large, but it will not be very small.
Besides, Yang Guang needs to kill a Wu Zun, not all.
But Yang Guang also wanted to kill a Wu Zunjing in the East Fantasy World without attracting the attention of Emperor Wu, which was still difficult.
The reason is simple.
There are too few strong people in Wu Zun’s territory, and this may affect the changes of major events in the East Fantasy World. For example, a clan with Wu Zun’s territory can be regarded as a pillar.
It happened that he was stared at by his enemy when he died.
When the time comes, what will cause the so-called bloody rain?
This collateral influence is likely to explode with great ability and self-attack.
Compared to kill the so-called demon Yang Guang, he is still keen to kill a Terran Wu Zun.
Human thought is more responsible, but it is not as pure as those so-called demon families and groups.

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