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This is the way to verify the unique identity of Eldar.

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This makes the identity jade core method pretend to be spiritual, so it can pretend to be spiritual, extraordinary and unique.
Identity jade core appears faint brilliance and chill, which is Xu’s extraordinary ability to give off breath.
Everything fits.
"I wish you a pleasant journey."
Xu retired happily and paid the source crystal, then quickly passed through the base defense channel and left this quantity delivery channel. base defense instantly turned into a streamer.
Preliminary escape day
But we can’t be careless.
"Huang sent a message to Xiaoxue and said that I had successfully escaped from Baishan Star and was about to go to the cosmic channel, and then looked for it in the cosmic channel to try to turn the sun alone at the end of the cosmic channel.
Once I turn around, the sun will set up a multi-person cross-satellite channel to pick them up at the first time.
Estimated time is five to thirty days.
Tongtian Expeditionary Force continues to be silent and lurking. "
Xu retreat to this command when the tone is very relaxed.
The way home with the Tongtian Expeditionary Force has passed the most difficult time and completed the most impossible step. Now it is the penultimate step, which is to go back to the blue star through the sun and high temperature fire curtain first.
Then, Xu retired and set up many people to cross the star channel to pick up the Bluestar Expeditionary Force to go home.
Previously, in the past, they had already taken a lot of refining to send the array core across satellites, and half of the four sets of array cores would be handed over to An Xiaoxue after the past.
If we return to Blue Star, we can take them home.
This is Xu’s plan to retire home.
I never worry about crossing the sun’s high temperature fire curtain.
As Shang Long said, the high-temperature fire curtain of the sun protects the Blue Star Terran, and the Blue Star Terran suffers much less damage when crossing.
At the same time, Xu retired more than a year ago when he went to Mya’s star field, he had already passed through it once, and he was experienced.
At that time, Xu returned without a breakthrough to a satellite star. At that time, compared with that, the spirit was several times stronger and the teleport was several times stronger.
If you want to find the cosmic passage of the star field here and go to the end of the sun, you can cross over.
Of course, it is not completely without danger.
There will be many encounters with Eldar in the cosmic passage, which will lead to interrogation and attack if you are not careful, but you have already prepared for this, so I think these dangers should be nothing.
It shouldn’t be long before you can go home with the Tongtian Expeditionary Force.
"I have sent a message to Xiaoxue at the designated location on the network and received a new message from Xiaoxue," Huang said.
"Light snow said told you to be careful Sir Zhong thick soil they may track way! So far, they have not found out the means and elements of tracking
But in theory, especially Sir Zhong Tuhou is very cautious when he usually acts. You are bound to leave tracking means or the tracking elements can’t be found, which means that it is very high and light snow tells you to be extremely careful, "Huang said.
"Very high tracking elements?"
Xu back gently nodded his head, which he also remembered.
Pinched two pieces of soul crystal while flying to base defense, the node of Changling cosmic channel, to restore the spirit.
When Baishan star retreated for a short time, it was crazy to teleport for a long distance for forty times, which fully consumed the spirit of retreating for 20%, although in terms of quantity, the spirit of retreating was still sufficient.
But when it comes, it is necessary to keep your spirit at the highest point at all times.
Xu retired smoothly and left Changling Star No.5 to send the channel base. Just when he got through to Baishan Star Ball to guard the soil, Qian Shan suddenly frowned.
"Is the No.2 delivery channel base sure to be closed?" Qian Shan asked.
"Qian Shan’s adult has closed three Anmen tribes. Even if we attack by ourselves, I’m afraid it will take half an hour to get in." Baishan Star Ball said.
"Well, at present, the target has the No.2 quantity delivery channel base. Everyone near the No.2 quantity delivery channel base is close to search and listen to my instructions at any time."
Reach the command soil Qian Shan course tracking secret induction soil spirit element this induction froze!
Qian Shan, who is flying at a high speed, suddenly stopped for a disease and stared at him greatly.
This is impossible!
Earth essence should enter the body, even if they can sense the extraordinary nature of earth essence and soil, they can get it out of the body and naturally excrete it.
The only way to prevent being tracked is to isolate the target with multiple shielding materials so that they can’t be tracked.

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