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"Anyway, if I don’t eat it, I always feel that it’s not a good thing and scary."

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"That is, if it is just eaten, it will be fatal in a few days."
Eminem Xiong Ye "OK, OK, it’s all scattered. Whether the new food can be eaten or not will be announced after confirmation."
"Carol, Dahua, you take the witch and those things with me to see the priest Sa ‘a."
"Eminem Xiong Ye is so afraid of being inappropriate."
Da Ling was pushed out by several females behind her with a hard face.
"Eminem Xiong Ye has just eaten by a witch and it seems that she is not the same thing as we saw her."
"Let’s not let the witch enter the tribe first, or everyone will be upset. After all, it was terrible for Ashan and Assam to die."
The words fell into a gasp.
More people hesitated at the thought of Yashan and Assam’s madness and bleeding before their death.
It’s not that they don’t want to believe in witches, but toadstools. It’s terrible.
Dahua is so angry. "Hey, tell me what’s going on with you!"
"Ayuan’s hard work is all because the tribe can have more food to eat!"
"If you don’t believe us so much, don’t eat a bite, never!"
Yali pie mouth said, "Dahua, you grew up from a small tribe, but the witch has only been here for a few days, and you have her in your heart and no family."
Dahua sneered, "I said Yali, are you looking for a beating?"
Eminem Xiong Ye has a headache and rubs his eyebrows. Why didn’t you think that all of them were so worried before?
Su Yuan also saw clearly from the crowd that he focused on himself.
She took Lara Luo’s hand and gestured for a while.
Then I sat by a big tree and put the bamboo basket quietly.
Alorang and her team of females all went back first, and many people looked worried at Su Yuan.
Su Yuan smiled at everyone as if what had happened had not affected her.
Then Alo walked beside Eminem Xiong Ye and said something, and then she ran into the tribe like a gust of wind.
People don’t talk about it.
Da Ji Ling and Ya Li exchanged glances, and her long and narrow eyes flashed a little smug.
Today, she is trying to keep this witch of Rush from entering the tribe.
Da Ling can’t help but look forward to the idea that the males will come back soon after going out hunting.
Dahua silently accompanied Su Yuan and felt very uncomfortable.
She doesn’t like this feeling of being questioned or disbelieved by her people very much.
In particular, she knows that these doubts and unbelief of the clan are directed at Ayuan, and she and Alo are a piggyback.
She was afraid that Ah Yuan would be disappointed in the tribe and the people.
"Ah Yuan, don’t be careless. Everyone is scared by toadstools."
"Da Ling, don’t pay attention to them. Once upon a time, Alo and I didn’t like their little people who were lazy and melodramatic. Now it seems bad and it’s hard to hide others’ good."
Dahua pursed her mouth and thought angrily. Then she got closer to Su Yuan and said, "Da Ling must be jealous that Leopard likes you!"
Chapter 23 Tribal Four Males
Alo came back with not only kindling but also Su Yuan cooking and other things.
Dahua is happy at first sight, and Ayuan is going to show her talents again!
She squatted and watched her breath as if it were conditioned to produce fluid.
Su Yuan methodically picked out three deboning knives for each mushroom, gently scraped off the floating soil on the surface, sliced it and put it on a plate.
Alo helped to build a simple stone stove and put the thin slate together according to Su Yuan’s instructions.
Get ready for chef su’s performance
The new bamboo brush sent a slate to brush a thin layer of meat oil and then set the mushrooms piece by piece.
Don’t forget to carefully control the temperature of Su Yuan, and don’t be too prosperous.
There are still a few small root garlic left for seasoning.
In a short time, a wonderful smell like meat and not meat floated out.
When the males came back from hunting, they smelled the smell from a distance, and they rushed back to the earth like chicken blood, and they all followed a rumble and tremor.
"What’s the trouble?"
As soon as Chiyin saw the scene before him, he knew something was happening.
Leopard rewelding eyes fall easy to cook and eat Su Yuan body slightly narrowed.
Xiong Zhuang sniffed hard and felt so fragrant.
He strode in the direction of Su Yuan and smiled with a silly face.
"Big flower what is this? So sweet and greedy, my saliva will flow. "
Dahua immediately guarded the slate and roasted mushrooms like an old hen, and her eyes were alert.
"Ayuan is ready to eat. I want to eat in line!"
Xiong Zhuang gulped down her saliva and praised that "the goddess witch cooks delicious things".
Dahua proudly hums, "You have a good eye and I’ll give you one more piece later."
Xiong Zhuang scratched his head and narrowed his eyes into a small crescent moon.
"Let’s go and see the leopard rewelding" Picard said.
Chiyin echoed and turned into a human figure and quickly adjusted her fur skirt.
Leopard rewelding’s eyes follow the crowd and his personal meaning is different. He walks straight and long legs towards Su Yuan.
"Is Ayuan ready to eat?"
Seeing more and more people coming around, I was in a hurry.
What? The new food shrinks as soon as it’s baked. Where is the point?
She wants to try every kind.
"Listen to me. Listen to me. This is Ah Yuan’s queue for new food this afternoon! One person is a piece. "
Paused for a big flower and glanced at several people in Da Ling contemptuously.

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