上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州夜网 "The Lord will stand? Other people don’t know the details of the promised land, but I can still introduce one or two, but some weak-willed people are pinning their hearts on it. Is it as empty as the vast universe? I won’t go. "There is no room for turning back without telling the truth."

"The Lord will stand? Other people don’t know the details of the promised land, but I can still introduce one or two, but some weak-willed people are pinning their hearts on it. Is it as empty as the vast universe? I won’t go. "There is no room for turning back without telling the truth."

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"Alas, Saint, you won’t be a wise man. I didn’t expect to be as stupid as knight-errant. Indeed, those who are pregnant with heaven’s magic gas are more predestined and don’t need holy power." Wisdom is hard to shake head.
Then he looked at the magma boiling in the crater and suddenly he smiled.
"You stay here is to want to wait for the monument was born to gain some merits of heaven? Hehe, if you don’t convert to St., you can’t make it available for a day. "
Wisdom is difficult to say that finish with a wave of his black robe several dark rich breath rushed to the hot crater.
"Stop it!" Gu Bu has always been indifferent, and his face suddenly changed color. He showed his long sleeves and a green gas gushed out, and several black gases collided together.
"Ha ha, you can’t fix it. Even a knight-errant can’t make moves to San. Your courage is stronger than his …"
It’s hard to see that the green gas was torn apart by the black gas. It’s when you shake your head and say with smile
The ancient don’t suddenly feel chest was hit by a big stone, just a little exercise to calm down suddenly looks pale and heart with.
It really is the demon Lord!
Although the other side is suppressed by this heaven, the strength is consistent with their own, but the means are far from what they can compare.
I’m afraid even the grandmaster can take up the wind in the castle peak land. If the grandmaster in the outside world is not the devil’s opponent.
No wonder it’s better than a knight-errant. In this week’s calculation, the other side rarely goes out to fight bravely.
It seems that it’s really as the devil said, even if it’s stopped by this demon, the other side’s punishment will come to an end
That’s a pity. Without him, the overall situation will not be chaotic.
The celestial tablet falls into the hands of the knight-errant, and the other party is worried that the world will finally make the celestial tablet available, which does not hinder his further plan.
And the other side now wants to seal the monument. If the other side succeeds, he will lose most of the meaning of this mountain. How can he make it?
In the ancient times, when I was not thinking sharply, the black gas had circled the crater and turned into a black lotus, which firmly sealed the magma pool.
The ancient didn’t look at suddenly look ugly again.
Just like the Celestial Monument, the monument body will not break through the ground, and it can only be unearthed if it is endowed by a predestined relationship.
The stele of the next day was forcibly removed by the eye of Xia Jia who saw through the mystery, but the result was not harmful
The local monument was directly suppressed by Heilian, which is the arrangement of the demon Lord.
I’m afraid it will be cold for anyone who is destined to come here …
"If I hear that you have a demon here, if you are willing to convert to St. This black lotus holy horse, take it back," Zhinan continued to laugh.
Gu has calmed down and said faintly, "Don’t you think it’s too humiliating for the Great Sage of the Devil’s Body to take over by this coercive means?"
"Don’t think … on the contrary, if you can accept people without regard to your face, it is unwise."
Wisdom difficult face continued to maintain a smile, motionless as if everything was under his control.
Ancient don’t smell speech a lag at this time he finally had the same feeling as Fang Ning.
Dog skin plaster. This is …
It occurred to him that the monk, who had never been wise enough, was now possessed. Two thick-skinned professions were combined to stick to himself, and he must not give up until he reached his goal.
It’s impossible to expect to run away from each other by word of mouth. I’m afraid the former knight-errant A has also called each other a dog skin plaster …
Chapter three hundred and fifty Ding Shan Shen Zhen
My name is Lu Er.
Last year, I was born in fireball, and I got the speed power from heaven.
Last year, I was unlucky. I was chased by the knight-errant first, and then I entered the re-education project of the special office. It was miserable
This year, my luck finally turned. I learned a "Shenzutong" from a secret Buddhist sutra.
This magical power, my speed and abilities complement each other, and it takes a long time to enter the country in one day.
I’m a low-key pond master now, but everyone else thinks I’m a bucket master. There are three sworn brothers and sisters who know about this …
I have changed my name to "Lu Da". Third sister worships me every day and looks at me from time to time. She comes to me in the name of consulting cultivation methods.
Martha changed her name to "Ma Er" and Niu Si didn’t change her name. The two of them surrounded me every day to compliment me and serve me with tea and water to take a bath and rub my back …
I "know all the ghosts", and my performance in catching ghosts has hit record highs.
Bodhisattva personally met me two days ago, pulled me out as the Seven Elders, and hung up the position of the Ghost Seven Elders before taking over.
Third sister was there, and the worship eyes almost melted me.
But I’m not embarrassed at all, because I came up with all this …
If your imagination is better than mine, you want to be more beautiful …
Oh, I can’t think about it any more. That bastard Martha seems to have asked me to move those evil ghost altars again.
One by one, it’s heavy and scary. I can’t sleep for two days if I move it once.
Two days ago, the Dragon Honorer just gave the meeting a long-term purchase contract for us to deal with evil spirits regularly.
According to the pricing of evil spirits, the higher the qualification, the higher the price, which can make up for a big loss in the meeting. Everyone knows that the honorable person is not only powerful but also rich … it is a VIP in the meeting.
Now this is the top priority in the meeting.
"Lv Er Lv Er! Don’t be distracted. This batch of altar clothes are evil spirits. Remember to handle them with care. We can’t afford to lose them. "
A group of people in Ghost King Cave in Guigu Mountain are busy screening celadon altars, labeling them in different categories and carrying them to different caves.

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