上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州夜网 After crossing the ghost knot, the little dance immediately wrapped around my wrist, and I turned around and continued to repeat the previous path.

After crossing the ghost knot, the little dance immediately wrapped around my wrist, and I turned around and continued to repeat the previous path.

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Grandma said I’d stay on the second floor for six hours and try to get to the place where ghosts gather.
Grandma must have her reasons for this arrangement, and I must strictly enforce it.
I’m not the only one who goes through the knot over and over again. The ghost is divided into two parts. Goose follows me and it’s hard to be with me.
After passing through that bisection again and again, I walk more and more briskly, and I can walk this route accurately with my eyes closed.
When I passed the ghost knot again, grandma always said enough.
I heard grandma tell me to take Goo Zi’s hand and go to grandma and show her the red stone.
Grandma glanced at the red stone and said that this stone has many functions. Please put it away before you look at me and ask me if I feel wronged.
I quickly shook my head and said that I would not be wronged. I looked at my grandmother with miserable eyes and asked her if I would abandon me if I ruined my grandmother.
My words made grandma laugh and said that her granddaughter was the most beautiful one in her eyes.
Grandma’s answer made me instantly think whether Jiang Yan’s remarks were before or now. Grandma is the most beautiful one in his heart.
"Grandma, my grandfather Yan is very good, isn’t he?" I asked Grandma.
"What’s wrong with it?" Grandma nodded.
"No, it’s just that I suddenly remembered Grandpa Yan." I was warned by my grandmother that I couldn’t rush to find a beat.
"I still miss you at this time, Grandpa Yan. You don’t even want to miss yourself." Grandma patted me on the head.
Grandma’s move made me gasp. Grandma’s hand just patted my scalp where I scraped it.
Grandma looked at me with distressed eyes, and my palms overflowed with pure spiritual strength to heal me.
I stopped when my body was healed for 77 days, grandma. I continued to heal and told grandma that my self-healing ability was enough to make my body recover quickly.
Grandma nodded and said that she would stop me from healing, and then told me that the path that I passed through the ghost knot in half was really a step to enlarge the maze.
When you are facing the enemy, you can speed up a lot by shortening the enlarged maze step.
When you practice this maze step to the peak, your body shape will be strange and unpredictable, and your enemy’s eyes will disturb your sight.
Chapter four hundred and eleven Lost step
Grandma showed me the lost steps she had cultivated after she finished speaking.
I can see from the first few seconds that I can clearly see grandma’s path, and then I can’t see where grandma will appear in a second.
Grandma’s figure suddenly appeared in a position, and before I blink, her figure suddenly appeared far away from the previous position.
My tongue was so amazing that my grandmother paused to demonstrate the gait. After the gait, I asked my grandmother why I didn’t see the ghosting. Is it better for the enemy to see his true position?
Grandma said that she didn’t practice the maze to the peak. Naturally, there would be no ghosting. It is said that ghosting interferes with the enemy’s line of sight, which can confuse the enemy’s line of sight and confuse the enemy.
I nodded again and again and eagerly asked my grandmother to explain it to me in detail, just as I could enlarge and reduce what I was going forward.
Grandma smiled and nodded, saying that the stray step is not only effective against the enemy, but also a life-saving weapon when fleeing.
Grandma told me carefully, such as reducing my previous steps to the most appropriate level, I should pay attention to the details in my story.
Grandma, after I finish speaking, I’ll practice it several times on the spot.
I really don’t know if I don’t practice, but I’m scared when I practice. With every time I practice the wandering step, I can clearly understand that my speed is rising rapidly during the wandering step.
I’ll admit it. As far as a normal person is concerned, I’m fast enough, but I’m lost, which has opened my eyes.
I took the initiative to ask my grandmother to stay on the second floor for a while. I told my grandmother that I wanted to be more proficient in the maze step, so that I could increase and decrease my proficiency in the maze step more quickly.
After grandma nodded in agreement, I immediately went to skillfully zoom in and see as much as possible.
I’m getting faster and faster as I travel through that half-way
I passed by the ghosts in twos and threes again and again, and those ghosts would raise their eyelids and stare at me from the beginning when I passed by, and at the end, I would pass by and never raise my eyelids again.
Until grandma called to stop, I always stopped, and I was proficient in zooming in and out.
Grandma waved me over, and I wiped my forehead and said that I had been proficient for another hour.
At the moment, Goo Tsai said that it was going to be bright outside, and he needed to return to Yinzhu. He told me to be careful when going to the third floor for a while, but grandma just taught me to stray and escape to save my life.
I stretched out my hand to play a goo boy’s forehead and said with a smile that I would collect goo boy’s income from Yin Zhu.
Some dry food with grandma. Grandma and I went to the third floor of the Ghost Cave.
Grandma Lu told me that even if our trip to the third floor is over, grandma said that I can barely get past the third floor.
I asked my grandmother what floor she could reach by herself. My grandmother replied that the tenth floor said that Jiang Yan could reach the ninth floor.

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