上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 As the saying goes, the fire at the city gate is hurting the fish in the pool, and Star City is hurting the fish in the pool.

As the saying goes, the fire at the city gate is hurting the fish in the pool, and Star City is hurting the fish in the pool.

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This city is not far from Pingcheng, that is, it is only a few minutes’ drive. If a biological Pingcheng chooses to invade, it will be easy to wave to Xingcheng.
But I don’t say that anymore, and now I’m being waved.
Many rural villagers near Pingcheng Xingcheng have been polluted by black gas and even become diseased.
Those Pingcheng black gas is now spreading to the surrounding cities, which means that it won’t be long before words are likely to spread to Xingcheng Nanhu Province.
But in addition to Star City, South Lake Province, cities need to pay more attention to the original city of Xijiang Province.
Those are more dangerous
I can’t do it if I don’t leave, and I’ve arranged to move.
Today, everyone knows the theme of the Wu Zonghui. They are not the kind of people who turn a deaf ear to things outside the window.
"President let’s star city do you want to move? And he is close to the city of Pingcheng. "The military commander is very famous but the whole South Lake is also strong.
But now he has said this sentence, but he has no confidence in his heart.
Otherwise, there would be no such consequences.
Even Lord guanyu doesn’t know how to define that black fog. Anyway, the word is "danger". Who knows what will happen after that?
And once the danger of black gas really spreads, it will be very difficult to escape again, and maybe how many people will die. This is what no one wants to see.
"If it is inevitable to move according to this situation, but once we move, it will also cause panic in his brother province, then my opinion is to arrange a group of people to leave here first and then leave some people stationed."
"For those who have been infected with black gas and agreed to put them in isolation to avoid further problems, you are responsible for handling this matter."
So a military commander replied, "I promised to complete the instructions."
This is the only thing that can be done at present, but it is still not enough.
In the face of the strange black fog, even the guanyu adults are a little helpless, and they may come over at any time, which is also a bigger hidden danger.
At present, it is said that no one is optimistic about the safety of Star City.
That is to say, they have lost in their minds now, and they have lost completely. It will be more difficult to escape once the crisis has completely arrived.
None of the two military schools and many military commanders are optimistic. Isn’t this a message that the human side may pay a great price?
Life is valuable, and sometimes it’s not.
Yu Jing, a freshman of Nanhu University of Martial Arts, scored 36 cards in this year’s martial arts exam and won the first place in this year’s Nanhu martial arts exam. If Yang Guangwu was not overshadowed by the war-fighting candidates, he would certainly be famous.
But he doesn’t envy it either.
In his mind, Yang Guang should have chosen low qi and blood to break through the level of military warfare, that is, to overdraw his future potential, so nine times out of ten it is impossible for such a person to achieve very advanced military warfare, and it is very difficult.
Who thinks that the martial arts examinee in Shu has become the first person to be promoted to the dragon list?
If you don’t let Yu Jing envy you!
Not long after he entered school, relying on his own talent and teaching methods of martial arts and their own resources, his blood rose to about 400 calories in a short time.
That is to say, he is now suddenly fighting words strength must be extraordinary.
After all, it is simply too difficult for the so-called Qi and Blood dzogchen to break through the Powu War.
And now he is also facing a new bottleneck.
So he found his grandfather, an intermediate military commander, and asked each other.
"Grandpa, I’m almost 400 calories of qi and blood now. It’s too difficult to further reach dzogchen dialect." Now this level of qi and blood rise is enough to make Yu Jing want to doubt life a little.

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