上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 Even the strong in the East Magic World will come out here to deter Yang Guang.

Even the strong in the East Magic World will come out here to deter Yang Guang.

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Still, that sentence can’t hydrolyze thirst.
In the sight of this person’s strength, maybe the day lily will be cold when they pass the news.
Once they are all dead, what if Yang Guang is killed?
Who wants to do this business? Then do it.
The strength gap is too big. According to his experience, this person definitely has half a step of Wu Zun, and his fighting capacity is stronger than Wu Zun. That’s not because the elders of Zongmen are Wu Zun.
Every move at those levels contains the meaning of avenue.
Just like heaven.
In addition to the Liu Yun from his guanyu don’t dare to mouth for fear of a word not kill.
At this time, it is more wrong to say more.
Is it full of fear and resentment after looking at Yang Guang?
Dare not show it
It is the minimum to keep awe in front of the weak and the strong.
"well? The purpose of my coming here this time is very simple. I just want to see you friends from afar. "Yang Guangxiao smiled because he couldn’t be popular at all for this reason.
But Yang Guang didn’t intend to talk to anyone.
In this warrior’s age, it is nothing to manage people, and in the end, it is only reasonable to have a big fist.
If Yang Guang is a Wu Zong, he will reason with these people, that is, he will die and fail to reach a certain strength to force reason, that is, the old birthday girl will live too long.
"In the dead hand to you? Isn’t that because he deserved to die? Since he deserves to die, I’ll just give him a hand. You can’t see so many murders, can you? I dare not deal with such a psychopath. What’s more important is that he intends to attack China. Then I must have the first hand! "
"Is there anything wrong with the old iron?" Yang Guang also said that slang is a popular language on the Internet.
He suddenly smiled again.
Because he thought of a very interesting thing, which can be regarded as a joke. "Once upon a time, there was a man named Tie who grew up without hair. What’s wrong with him?" ….. There is nothing wrong with the old iron. "
But laugh and laugh. Don’t make fun of your hair
Yang guang said so, but whether others listen or not is another matter.
Obviously, the other party doesn’t listen at all.
If it weren’t for Yang Guang’s easy killing of their companion’s report, it wouldn’t be possible to be so calm and chat with others. When have you been so angry?
But they also know that the strength of the sovereign is suppressed even in this fighter world, but it is still the best among senior guanyu.
It’s true that it’s easy to defeat the senior guanyu with the strength of half a step, but it’s not like running over an ant if you want to kill him.
How wear also get some strength, maybe even may let senior guanyu escape.
However, how did Yang Guang do it?
Directly kill the report without even a chance to escape, let alone resist. If they weren’t sure that Yang Guang wasn’t Wu Zun, they would have run away.
"Kill people? Moreover, my companion killed some ordinary people. What’s worse, it’s not a friend of Huaguo Road. I’m afraid the dog is meddling. "
The grim Yan is a little angry.
However, more than half a step of community Wu Zun also answered the cavity.
Even some senior martial artists are also like this.
Of course, this place adds up to only a dozen people. How long can it take?
"You mean I’m a dog and you’re wasting it?" Yang guang became a gangster once, but he didn’t come here to be a gangster, but he had something to deal with
"Let’s just say that your strength is very strong, but it’s not your turn to dominate the world of fighters. We don’t want to dominate the world, but we want to live. If we can’t live well, we have to pay the price."
Many martial artists from the eastern fantasy world said nothing.
Even those half-step Wu Zun are like this.
Even if they have ideas, it is obvious that they are no match for Yang Guang!
What’s more, Yang Guang is threatening to say so.
The report killed by Yang Guang is the dragon.
Kill the dragon as an example.
It’s not an example.
If you don’t believe in evil, you can try to see if Yang Guang’s knife is good!
If it is before, they don’t say what they want, but at least there is no power to limit their behavior.
But I have scruples now.
"Although our strength is not as good as yours, don’t be too complacent. It’s not good for young people to get carried away. It’s easy to die. Remember not to sit still and watch the sky."
Cold-faced Yan loses people and does not lose battle.
It also threatens Yang Guang.

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