Just like her life is dying!

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Follow the sun and run according to your destiny!
In addition to letting yourself always be grateful for the word "bearing", in addition to letting yourself always be in awe of nature.
Wear a helmet and fasten your shoulder strap to flash. Climb over the top of the cloud again and take revenge on Yiyi. The shadow is the shadow of the shadow!
Wei Chenguang, the only archer in the whole world, led by all the archers, and the arrows in the hands of all the woodworkers have long been waiting for the arrow in his hand to jump to Yiyi and Jinbu, and even more so.
Sword wall of hope, justice, injustice, give me death! ! !
Yes, for people like Wei Chenguang, this sentence, which was shouted from Yiyi’s mouth at this time, is really so appropriate and realistic.
What about the sword man and not the arrow man?
I hope for justice in my heart.
What else can he do besides life testimony?
In addition to proving the truth, in addition to the right path!
Give me death!
The arrows in his hand are going forward one by one, and the arrow pot in his foot is being consumed crazily at a very fast speed. Wei Chenguang’s string-pulling finger, on the whole, is extremely high in frequency (shooting), and the finger has already been scratched by the bowstring.
"Continue (shoot) and you can’t stop!"
This is what Wei Chenguang said the most that night. It is even more important for others to take the lead, so that he can become a living target in Li Er’s eyes. He is so crazy because he wants to make himself a focus in the eyes of everyone and a threat in Li Er’s eyes.
Only in this way can he win a chance to live for rushing out to Yiyi.
Wei Chen, a fellow student of Yiyi, can only let himself be higher than the tower and then let himself constantly pull the bowstring and let the arrow in his hand be snared at the tower. Because he firmly believes that he can kill enough enemies, he will surely succeed in attracting Li Er’s attention. Once Li Er focuses his vision on him, he believes that Chai Da will be able to save Yiyi from the strength of the Ministry of Land and Resources.
The wall is so …
So is the basement wall!
In addition to making yourself a target in the eyes of the enemy!
However, Wei Chenguang’s plan was caught by Huixian.
No unnecessary worries, no more guesses, just a simple look, and Li Er gave Huixian absolute affirmation.
Because Li Er also saw through Wei Chenguang’s ambition.
After Hui Xian, he led three thousand Fu Hu Tang stick monks to step on the walls where the bodies of the soldiers in the trap department were directly higher, and those stick monks behind him were even closer to Wei Chenguang and the Mubu people.
You know, a one-point-ten step bow is amazing
And these ten steps are that this fist is more severe.
This made a generation bow Wei Chenguang very clear, but at that time, the bureau did not allow him to distance himself from Huixian, because Huixian’s speed was really too fast, and the speed of the group of Fu Hu Tang stick monks was already fast enough to leave a shadow for him on the tower. When he was looking for traces everywhere, Huixian’s king kong stick had already appeared on his head.
And this distance is already the ten steps.
What’s more, Wei Chenguang’s opponent in front of him is this talented person who is highly anticipated by Dayin Temple.
When the wailing horn kept coming from the high wall, the five elements of the gate were losing ground in this horn. Of course, the horn sounded by the gate at this time symbolized the retreat, but it also became the signal for Li Er to raise the attack flag again.
In a blink of an eye, the number will gradually dissipate. In front of us, tens of thousands of soldiers have launched an offensive against this high wall. From various battlements, they have set up long ladders that have long been dyed red with blood.
After all, Wei Chenguang didn’t save the world’s life, let alone his own. His fate was washed away by the rainstorm and he walked the end of his life.
When the broken towers are inserted one after another, representing the flag of Longhuan imperial court, and Huixian is proudly alone, Wei Chenguang’s initial position is to keep waving his arms towards the Zhongjun tent in Li Er.
This Wei Chen white wall is lost.
Lost is so completely lost is so absolute.
Don’t leave the door a chance to fight back.
Those lucky enough to live in the world are also in a hurry to withdraw from the sky wall and leave a few people behind for the big troops.
Wei Chenguang is the cushion for future generations.
Only a few comrades-in-arms of Wei Chenguang, the tower, held hands and shouldered their own flesh and blood to cast this lonely gate in front of Li Er.
However, the gate cast by Wei Chenguang can’t bring shock to Li Er at all. In Li Er’s eyes, he is no longer worthy of the word heroic, let alone fearful.
Because Li Er’s eyes at that time Wei Chenguang really looked like a fool.
After all, at that time, Li Er still thought that nothing was more important than his own life on this day.

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