上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 It’s a special attack. In the face of this deliberate green light, Yuan Ye doesn’t avoid it. He just reaches out and blocks the front.

It’s a special attack. In the face of this deliberate green light, Yuan Ye doesn’t avoid it. He just reaches out and blocks the front.

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The green awn shot Yuan Ye’s quarrelling sword wave generally resists the green light in the palm area, but Yuan Ye’s surprise is that he didn’t stop it or that the remaining green awn penetrated his quarrelling defense attack. This remaining attack has already started for Yuan Ye.
In the blink of an eye, Yuan Ye, the bridled man, also teleported the spirit of the sky, and the spirit of the earth swept the opponent almost instantly.
The Jedi’s unique skill of destroying the fusion power of heaven and earth is instantly put to use. Today, this big statue turns ten times into the primary power. The Jedi destroys the shout and surges and directly covers this bridled man.
Bad horror sound just sounded from the bridled man’s mouth at this time. He came to play two green handprints with his hands. The handprints were directly bombarded by Yuan Yehong’s scattered Jedi destruction forces.
Boom deep sonic boom sounded that bridled male chest was directly blasted into a big hole. Bridled male Jinghai slowly looked down at his chest and his eyes were full of disbelief.
You lost the indifference sound, and then it sounded from Yuan Ye’s mouth.
How is it possible that the bridled man’s eyes are red and then the individual directly collapses to the ground?
A battlefield instantaneous silence strong bridled man was almost instantaneous seconds kill.
After the silence, the bridled man looked angrily at Yuan Ye and then carefully at the thin little amitabha world, but it was extremely happy.
You are worthy of my hand. At this time, the thin little man finally came with a smile and seemed to care nothing about Yuan Ye’s previous performance.
It’s enough for Master Pan to kill another Amitabha and strengthen your military skills. Suddenly, everyone laughed and believed in the thin little man.
Today, I was lucky enough to faint. Two emaciated little people in the Amitabha world also smiled. This small person named Pan Zhang looked thin but let people feel awe. So he slowly stared at Yuan Ye with strange purple eyes.
It’s too early to say who died. Yuan Ye chuckled
Two people on both sides nervous eyes so casual dialogue than both sides stopped fighting.
Hum, Pan Zhang, with a snort of cold, suddenly became cold and sonorous. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance to get ahead.
Then you wish Yuan Ye’s body suddenly filled with black-and-white bicolor quarrelling light, and instantly spread to form an energy area with a diameter of 100 meters, in which the black-and-white bicolor forces are constantly merging.
Yuan Ye didn’t display the integration of heaven and earth. Now it’s just a precursor of some strength, but it also makes Pan Zhang look serious.
He glanced at Yuan Ye’s amazing power fusion is perfect, but this Pan Zhang is still half-motionless, which can increase the attack power of different energy fusion several times. Although you wait for my hand, you will have no chance.
Believe in Pan Zhang’s pride qualification. His defense is too strong. Even the attack degree is hard to match in the big respect and ten turns to the primary strength. On whether it is attack defense or strong degree, this is Pan Zhang’s trust.
Yuan Ye grinned and was happy with each other’s arrogance and big silk.
To the generate Yuan Ye heart pitfalls immediately body movement.
Boom is like an explosion. Yuan Ye’s personal thunder bursts into Pan Zhang. In the process of bursting, Yuan Yeshen’s robe suddenly bursts and his strength instantly explodes to the extreme.
In the face of human beings, there are no monsters in the dark abyss. It’s not even enough to kill human monsters in the dark abyss, but it’s almost impossible to make the big statue ten turns to the peak, and Yan San, the monster on the bottom of the third layer of ice, dare not leave. But you can kill them even more than the big statue ten turns to the primary level, and Yuan Ye has killed several black knife monsters. Humans are not so obvious. It’s almost impossible to let the big statue ten turns to the primary level to kill the big statue ten turns to the peak. It’s also necessary to go shopping at the same level to determine the outcome.
What is the face of Yuan Ye’s instantaneous outbreak? Pan Zhang is still in shock. He feels that Yuan Ye was not so strong before. He is stupid again. At the moment, he is also white. This person still has no strength to hide his strength just now.
Fuck Pan Zhang roared at the bottom of my heart to see Pan Zhang’s personal shoulders suddenly expand like crabs, and strangely all around him felt a tremor. Yuan Ye cast his energy to block the gravity around Pan Zhang’s body, which was distorted and weakened. Pan Zhang stared at Yuan Ye with a cold face and rushed to Yuan Ye, but he was left with a right fist and a whip.
From Yuan Ye’s attack to counter-attack, Pan Zhang reacted very quickly, before.
Well, Pan Zhang’s face suddenly changed after he dumped this punch.
See just like paper, there is a big crack now, and a dark red sword shadow comes to Pan Zhang’s eyebrows in an instant, and Pan Zhang opens his mouth like a trapped animal and roars, and a khaki light wave clearly shoots from his mouth and directly hits Crimson Lotus’s sword.
But even this Yuan Ye attack is too sudden. Crimson Lotus Jian is slightly offset. This Pan Zhang still can’t finish Chapter DiYiLiuQiEr Warcraft.
Poof-poof-poof Crimson Lotus sword was struck and slightly changed direction. At the same time, Yuan Ye sneered at the fact that Crimson Lotus sword was struck cheap all his life. At the same time, his hand made another effort to adjust the position of Crimson Lotus sword again and directly cut off Pan Zhang’s ear.
Roll Pan Zhang is angry with a punch to Yuan Ye.
The terrible wind of blasting thundered one after another and rushed to Yuan Ye, but Yuan Ye himself went to the distance in a flash.
You hide deep. Pan Zhang stares at Yuan Ye’s murder. It’s a shame that generate came to him and his ear was cut off.

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