上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 Two days later, Wu, the chairman of the labor union of Guomian No.2 Factory, advocated interviewing things. What a good publicity material!

Two days later, Wu, the chairman of the labor union of Guomian No.2 Factory, advocated interviewing things. What a good publicity material!

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Ji Shu, a textile worker in the factory, is an intelligent gangster. He recovered the master’s money and sent the traffickers to prison. Many abducted girls are being rescued …
This is a big news in the era.
Ji Shu thought it was a very festive trade union activity room, but fortunately it was still a paper media era, otherwise she might consider changing careers and becoming a net red.
"Ji Shu, you should give more lectures on safety knowledge in our trade union in this interview." Lord Wu specially wore a suit and was very formal.
"OK" Ji Shu remembers in a trance that there was indeed a training when he first entered the factory, but it has been half a year, and it has not been the second time.
The female reporter came and stared at Ji Shu. I can’t believe it.
"Is it such a little girl?" She gently said to introduce Ji Shu Wu Zhu
There was an unbelief in her eyes and she murmured, "Is Officer Wang mistaken?"
The reporter is not very old. In his thirties, he carried a beautiful brown leather bag, took out a pen and paper from the bag and began to interview.
Lord Wu looked eagerly and hoped that the reporter would interview him, by the way.
The female reporter inquired about the incident in detail. Although the sound was cold, the professionalism was good.
Ji Shu told the story honestly, but omitted the important link-Treasury bills, which she had to do.
Lin Cuilan explained that it was best to say that she wanted to arbitrage Treasury bills and sent Jishu to run errands or she was afraid of causing trouble.
"I can retire in a few years, and I don’t care about the future. Now the policy changes frequently. You are still young, so you’d better let this matter go to me," Lin Cuilan said at the time.
Although Ji Shu knew that this reform would go through to the end, she obeyed the master.
After all, you can’t say that you can predict the future, can you?
At the end of the interview, the attitude of female reporters has changed from stiff to excited.
"I didn’t expect such a young girl to be so brave and resourceful!" She couldn’t help admiring.
Wu Zhusheng was afraid that he would be ignored if he didn’t speak, and said with a smile, "Ji Shu is the first in the senior high school entrance examination in Huangxian County, a secondary school public student! Isn’t it great to get into the city from the countryside? Of course, there is also a long-term training for female workers with our trade union … "
The female reporter glanced at Wu Zhu. "Don’t worry, Wu Zhu, we are professional journalists and will definitely write organizational help."
Master Wu got the message and brought a welfare thermos cup from the office of Guomian No.2 Factory. He had to give it to a female reporter.
The female reporter couldn’t refuse, so she took the thermos cup and took out a business card from her purse. Lord Wu stretched out his hand to pick her up, but gave it to Ji Shu.
Master Wu waved his hand awkwardly and pretended that something happened. Embarrassment is the person who handed the business card.
Female reporters didn’t
"Comrade Ji Shu, what news comes to me after this is my business card? Our city searches for news clues. Now that the times are open, the people want to see the latest news, economy and social rule of law. Our metropolis daily has been broadening the sources of clues at hand. I think Comrade, you are cautious, bold and observant. I want you to give me the news clues you have observed for a long time."
Jishu glanced at the name of the female reporter and couldn’t help smiling.
The female reporter’s name is Guo Feixia. Isn’t this the editor-in-chief of Metropolis Daily in the future?
The mainstream newspapers in Wushi, such as morning paper, evening paper and daily newspaper, are old newspapers. Metropolis Daily is a new newspaper in recent years, and the concept of being led by the province is relatively novel.
Ji Shu divorced five years ago, when the print media was still the mainstream.
Ji Shu loved reading newspapers in order to relieve his anxiety. At that time, Metropolis Daily had defeated those old newspapers and became the largest newspaper in the province, with a circulation of over 10 million. People in neighboring provinces also loved reading it.
Now Guo, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, has led the metropolis daily to open a novel company, a comic company and a prose column, and Ji Shu is impressed by the name because the news is fast and dare to write.
"Guo reporter has no problem, and there are clues that are often linked."
Lord Wu said, "I am also good at observing-"
Guo Feixia quickly packed up and left quickly.
The second day, the Jishu report really came out.
It’s an alias in the report, but it’s been all over the factory for a long time. This is Ji Shu!
"JiFen saw your cousin interview? It’s so beautiful, just like a novel! Can you introduce your cousin to us? "
Several college students in the finance office read the newspaper. "I heard that your cousin is particularly good-looking."
Jifen clenched his teeth in the office.
You have something to say.
Ji Shu’s image changes sometimes don’t need to be clarified deliberately. If you are strong enough, the world will help you clarify.
Chapter 45 Chapter 45
JiFenLai want to jilt a face, but the thought of her poor popularity in the office led to isolated aid to resist, but laughed.
She said to the college students, "Yes, I will introduce them to you when I have a chance."
Xiao Wang, a male college student who just came to Guomian No.2 Factory for a few years, smiled. "I think it’s false that the factory said that your cousin has a lot of boyfriends some time ago, right? After all, I have never seen your cousin walk with a man! "
Another female college student is cashier Xiao Cui, who has always disliked Jifen and deliberately choked her. "I don’t know who said the rumor?" It should be arranged by an acquaintance of Ji Shu, right? There are many people in this factory, and some people spread rumors everywhere. I think Jishu is very good and really beautiful. "
Xiao Wang took the newspaper and showed a sorry expression on his face.
"It’s a pity that it’s a pseudonym and there’s no photo of your cousin, otherwise this newspaper will be sold out of stock?"
Xiao Cui saw that Jifen’s face had been frosted, and then said, "That’s for sure, factory flowers. By the way, Jifen is hosting a social dance this weekend. Is your cousin coming?"
Xiao Cui is the director of trade union activities, and she is in charge of planning the dance.

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However, if you are suspended in a small raccoon, you know that the forest animal is at a critical moment of evolution, and if the bronze color is completely replaced by warm jade luster, then Lin will be able to successfully cultivate the jade body, and its combat effectiveness will soar again.However, if you are suspended in a small raccoon, you know that the forest animal is at a critical moment of evolution, and if the bronze color is completely replaced by warm jade luster, then Lin will be able to successfully cultivate the jade body, and its combat effectiveness will soar again.

hum In the quiet back, I have been paying attention to Lin’s small raccoon eyes. Suddenly, my eyes suddenly turned to the distant sky, and my eyes changed dramatically. From
