上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 This is also the reason why we can join the Li Dynasty in the middle period.

This is also the reason why we can join the Li Dynasty in the middle period.

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The initial participation is too weak, and the force value is too low. What help does the root give?
In the mid-term, the protagonist of the game has already had several unique skills, and the value of force is very high. Only with a high understanding of martial arts can he do some big things, thus slowly helping Xiao Li win the throne, gradually increasing his goodwill and planning the strategy step by step …
Gao Hong was the first group of Li Army.
In the game, the boy can also join the team as the main force, because he is an excellent fighter with high martial arts talent.
However, you can’t join the route of love saint. Once you join, you will find that the protagonist hides the second identity.
Easy to cause variables
Gao Hong is a very strong teammate if he follows the imperial route.
When I was nine years old, I was picked up by the protagonist, and I have been trained until I was ten years old. When I was nine years old, my martial arts was strong enough to be among the best in the Jianghu. Or did the protagonist give me pure Taoist skills, holding the Yuan and defending Yang?
Become the leading role, the right-hand man of Li Jun.
Even after Xiao Li ascended the throne, Gao Hong became the generation of Li Dynasty, loyal to the emperor and more loyal to the protagonist.
Of course, at that time, Xiao Li, who was more loyal to the protagonist, had been attacked … loyal to everyone is the same.
After all, we can recruit teammates …
If Xiao Li is really successful in the whole country, then Li Jun’s strong people, even if they don’t have immortal repair, are estimated to conform to the rising world of the dynasty and truly become a fairy soldier god.
This condensation of General Yulin is Gao Hong’s method.
The dharma body is the rule of causal cohesion. If this blow can really work, say that you didn’t have the slightest one thousand years ago.
Even the fact that Xiao Li’s country is soaring is not necessarily true.
But now it is as Wang Mu thought.
Xiao Li’s national soaring is really true …
That method is against yourself, even if General Yulin is in Du Jie, he still hasn’t.
Causal force
Of course, the strong in Du Jie can deal with Wang Mu, the strong in Then don’t need the Yuan God method to blow with one hand … Wang Mu can’t pick it up …
This Yulin general is very cautious. Perhaps it is that the lion still needs strength to fight the rabbit, or that the state of playing just now is still hot and has not dispersed, so it is attacked. This is the shocking and secular scene now.
Everyone can understand except Wang Mu, and nobody can explain a scene.
After hearing Wang Mu’s answer.
The jade’ general one leng consternation way
"Are you the ancestor and Taoist companion of the Danwang Zongdeng Fairyland?"
"…" Wang Mu.
I told you, I’m one of the arrogant people …
You strong people remember the immortal ancestors and Taoist couples, right?
Wang Muyu is gone.
General Yulin was silent.
As if you can understand it in a flash …
"Yes, it’s me" Wang Mudao.
As soon as the voice comes out
Wang Mu instantly felt that the general Yulin’s arrogance was lost by five points.
Well, it must be because of that …
Wang Mu couldn’t help but sigh.
"What do you want?" General Yulin light way
"Simple" Wang Mudao "The original plan was to keep Tianlu view …"
I didn’t expect … the title of immortal bodhi old zu to work so well.
"I don’t want to make it difficult for you …" Wang Mudao "The barren sea plain is like this now. You Heaven Emperor didn’t have this means to let the people behind it come out …"
"When the barren sea plain is destroyed, even if you can really unify the Li Dynasty, this place will be missing, and the whole future monks in Lizhou will be 30% less."
General Yulin squinted at Wang Mu.
Through the armor, there is a hint of ponder in my eyes.
"It’s only necessary for us to join hands with the Heaven Emperor after the Tianlu view," General Yulin said faintly. "Do you ask this Suihe view master if he wants to?"
Wang Mu turned to look at the Lord.
View the Lord glances slightly nods to say
"If the barren sea plain can be restored, I can consider you joining hands to benefit Lizhou."
"I swear."
General Yulin immediately took out a special note and crushed it to communicate.
A moment later, General Yulin nodded slightly.
"You’ve stopped casting spells, and you won’t suffer from flame for half a day."
"Then can you wait half a day to see the effect?" Wangmudao
General Yulin kept silent and stared at the vast sea plain with his weapon in his hand.
Take out the barren sea spirit bead way before the master flies.
"The general must know that if the barren sea plain is restored, the red dot will slowly disappear …"

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